Anti-Hillary Media Bias Proven!

A segment of the show was dedicated to the negative media bias against Hillary. [The VIDEOS are BELOW.] Perhaps most significant was the fact that Dobbs actually presented hard evidence that proved that the media was biased in favor of …

Media Bias and Clinton

I believe most bias is based on experience or what I call the “been there, done that” disease. We’re all prisoners of history and this Democratic nomination fight features two conflicting historical precedents. …

Media Bias and Clinton

I believe most bias is based on experience or what I call the “been there, done that” disease. We’re all prisoners of history and this Democratic nomination fight features two conflicting historical precedents. …

Cramer: 'I’ve had a lot of death threats'

Coming off his April 2 interview with Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton (DN.Y.) on his show “Mad Money,” CNBC’s Jim Cramer told “Squawk Box” his job entails some hazards. “You know, look, obviously I’ve had a lot of …

Geraldo Proclaims He's 'Proud' to Vote for Obama

The next time another liberal complains about Fox News being conservatively biased they should be reminded that one of the network’s hosts is on record as being “proud” to vote for Barack Obama. On Saturday night’s “Geraldo At Large,” …

'Red Eye' Host a Prophet? Gutfeld Joked About Cannibalism/Global

In an e-mail conversation today with Greg Gutfeld, the Fox News Channel “Red Eye” host pointed out to me that he joked about cannibalism as a solution to environmental woes, and this, mind you, months before Ted Turner came out clucking …

ABC's Nick Watt Smears Dutch Filmmaker as Racist

“Good Morning America” reporter Nick Watt smeared Dutch filmmaker Geert Wilders as a racist on Saturday’s edition of the ABC program. Watt, who interviewed the director over his new movie about radical Islam’s incompatibility with Dutch …

CBS’s Couric: Clinton & Obama Lies Same as McCain Iraq Statement

On Wednesday’s CBS “Evening News” anchor Katie Couric did a segment on why politicians lie and suggested completely false statements made by Hillary Clinton, about sniper fire in Bosnia, and Barack Obama, about how his parents met, …

Media Divide Wall Street and 'Main Street'

As economic issues move to the front of the on-going presidential campaign, the mainstream media have given an increased amount of coverage to what is happening on Wall Street. However, they have portrayed Wall Street as something …

NY Post Silent on NYC Council Speaker's Party Affiliation

NewsBusters has noted other New York Democrats whose political affiliation was glossed over in media coverage. The MRC’s Brent Baker documented that the big three broadcast networks (ABC, CBS and NBC) continually failed to identify …